What graduate degrees does the Department award?
The Department offers Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Music History and Theory, Ethnomusicology, and Composition. Master of Arts degrees are awarded as part of the doctoral program. The Department does not award degrees in the performance of music.
Can I apply for a Master of Arts or Doctor of Musical Arts degree?
The University of Chicago offers Masters level study in Music through the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities. In this one-year program, students build their own curriculum with graduate-level courses in any humanities department (including Music) and complete a thesis with a University of Chicago faculty advisor. Students in a doctoral program in the Department of Music may receive a Master of Arts degree during their PhD studies.
Can I take courses in other departments?
Yes. The University of Chicago has a long history of encouraging interdisciplinary study at all levels. You will work with the Director of Graduate Studies to determine a course schedule that will meet the requirements of the program and your academic interests.
How long is the PhD program?
The program can be completed in five years, though some students may spend a year abroad doing fieldwork or archival research. For a full description of the program requirements, please consult the Graduate Curriculum.
What is a typical course load?
Students complete a total of seventeen or eighteen courses during their first two or three years in the program. Programs of study are worked out in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies.
How do I set up a visit and make appointments to talk to faculty?
After reviewing information on this website, send an email to musicadmissions@uchicago.edu with a summary of your academic interests and dates you are available to visit.
Find additional information in the Music Graduate Student Handbook.