Registration for Ensembles
Undergraduate and graduate students accepted for membership into any of the Department of Music’s thirteen performance ensembles* are automatically registered for the ensemble(s) each quarter. Registration marks participation, and does not involve either tuition dollars or academic credit. Students will receive a Pass/Fail grade at the end of each quarter; there is no option to take ensembles for a quality grade. Students are expected to fulfill basic responsibilities as defined by ensemble directors, with consistent attendance and adequate preparation for all rehearsals and performances, in order to earn a passing grade. Students who do not want their participation reflected on their official transcript may opt out of registration by the third Friday of the quarter, when the Add/Drop period closes.
Registration for Programs
Undergraduate and graduate students who choose to participate in any of the Department of Music’s three performance programs — Chamber Music, Piano, and Vocal Studies — must opt in if they wish to have their participation reflected on their official transcript. Opting in for these three programs implies that the student agrees to fulfill the minimum commitment of participation and performance for the quarter, as defined by each of the program directors. Opt-in enrollment is accomplished by submitting an instructor consent request online by the third Friday of the quarter, when the Add/Drop period closes. Students may also participate in these programs without registering, but will not be able to request registration or credit subsequently.
Requesting Credit
Music Majors and Music Minors may apply for retroactive credit toward their major/minor requirements. Such application can be made only at the end of a full year of registered, passing participation in an ensemble or program, in accordance with the College Catalog.
* The twelve performance ensembles for which students will automatically be registered include: University Chorus, Motet Choir, Women’s Ensemble, Rockefeller Chapel Choir, University Symphony Orchestra, University Chamber Orchestra, University Wind Ensemble, Early Music Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Middle East Music Ensemble, South Asian Music Ensemble, and Percussion Ensemble.
N.B.: Participation in the Afro-Cuban Folkloric Ensemble, the Chicago World Music Chorus, the Guild of Carillonneurs, RSO a cappella groups, the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, and other outside musical endeavors on campus do not involve formal registration, are not reflected on students’ official transcripts, and do not qualify for music major/minor performance credit.