The Department of Music is pleased to acknowledge alumni who have received research and publication prizes at recent meetings of the Society for Ethnomusicology and the Society for Music Theory. Congratulations to all!
Joshua Pilzer (PhD 2006) won the Society for Ethnomusicology's Alan Merriam Prize for Quietude: A Musical Anthropology of ‘Korea’s Hiroshima’ (Oxford University Press, 2023).
The Alan Merriam Prize recognizes the most distinguished English-language monograph in the field of ethnomusicology, published as the author’s second or a later monograph.
Luis Manuel-Garcia Misipireta (PhD 2011) won the Society for Ethnomusicology's Ruth Stone Prize for ‘Best First Monograph’ for his book, Together, Somehow: Music, Affect, and Intimacy on the Dancefloor (Duke, 2023).
The Ruth Stone Prize recognizes the most distinguished English-language monograph in the field of ethnomusicology, published as the author’s first monograph.
Nadia Chana (PhD 2019) won the Society for Ethnomusicology's Jaap Kunst Prize for her article “Ugly Publics.” Ethnomusicology Vol. 67, Issue 3 (Fall 2023), 406-429.
The Jaap Kunst Prize recognizes the most significant article in ethnomusicology written by members of the Society for Ethnomusicology during the first 10 years of their scholarly career.
Jim Sykes (PhD 2011) and Julia Byl received honorable mention in the Society for Ethnomusicology's Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Prize for Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape (University of California Press, 2023).
The Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Prize honors each year a book collection of ethnomusicological essays of exceptional merit edited by a scholar or scholars, one of whom must be a member of the Society for Ethnomusicology.
José Oliveira Martins (PhD 2006) received the Society for Music Theory's Outstanding Publication Award for "Lutosławski's Mid-Century Harmony: Reconceptualizing Chordal Space in the Five Iłłakowicz Songs." Journal of Music Theory 67 (2): 209–49, 2023.
The Outstanding Publication Award is given for distinguished articles or book chapters by authors of any age or career stage.
Anabel Maler (PhD 2018) and Robert Komaniecki received the Society for Music Theory's Emerging Scholar Award (Article) for "Rhythmic Techniques in Deaf Hip Hop." Music Theory Online 27 (1), 2021.
The Emerging Scholar Award (Article) is given for articles or book chapters published no more than seven calendar years after the author’s receipt of the Ph.D. (or, in the case of someone who does not hold a Ph.D., before the author reaches the age of forty).