Noah, a former trombonist in the University Wind Ensemble and University Symphony Orchestra, received his Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Political Science in 2021. Noah is currently a Senior Research Analyst at Ipsos, a market and opinion research company here in Chicago.
Noah continues to be very involved in music, performing regularly as a trombonist. He has also been involved with Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company of Chicago (GSOC) since his first year at UChicago, most recently performing as an ensemble member and working as Associate Producer for the 2025 production of The Pirates of Penzance!
What are some of your most memorable experiences being a part of the Performance Program at UChicago?
In my third year, I auditioned and made it into the University Symphony Orchestra as a trombonist. I only got to play with the orchestra for two in-person quarters due to COVID. I have a specific memory of the concert that we played Brahms’ Symphony No. 2. It ends with this spectacular trombone chord. I remember the three of us locking in at the concert and nailing the chord, which was an amazing feeling!
What do you miss most about being a student?
I definitely miss the opportunity to take so many interesting classes and being surrounded by people who were just as curious about the world as I was.
Tell us more about your involvement with the recent GSOC production of The Pirates of Penzance.
I’ve been part of the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company since my first year at UChicago. My first production with them was Patience in 2018. I was part of The Pirates of Penzance production that got canceled in 2020, so I’m thrilled to get to return to it now, five years later!
I’ve been performing G&S since I was eight, so I knew I wanted to continue doing so in college. GSOC is an amazing group. I’ve met so many wonderful people from around the city through it (including my fiancée)!
What do you do to create a healthy work life balance?
I play in an orchestra and sing in GSOC outside of work, providing outlets to continue performing! On the work front, signing off right at 5:00 and not checking email or pings outside of work hours helps keep me sane.
What book are you reading right now or have read recently that you would recommend?
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez and The Tiger’s Wife by Téa Obreht were both gorgeous, mystical books. I highly recommend both of these!