Music and Cultural Identity: A Conversation with Plena Libre

Plena Libre in performance on stage

October 14, 2021 | 12:30PM
International House, Assembly Hall, 1414 East 59th Street

*Conversation begins at 12:40 PM*

Join us for a conversation between Jessica Swanston Baker and members of Plena Libre about plena as an Afro-Caribbean musical form, an important entry point into understanding the history and cultures of the Caribbean.

Free admission. Light refreshments will be served. Register here.

Please note that the main entrance to International House is currently for residents only. Attendees should use the door on S Dorchester Ave to enter. International House is complying with all University guidelines on the Go Forward website and at this time, masks are required to be worn by unvaccinated and vaccinated attendees inside International House.

This convening is open to all invitees regardless of vaccination status and, because of ongoing health risks to the unvaccinated, those who are unvaccinated are expected to adopt the risk mitigation measures advised by public health officials (masking and social distancing, etc.). Public convening may not be safe for all and carries a risk for contracting COVID-19, particularly for those unvaccinated. Participants will not know the vaccination status of others, including venue staff, and should follow appropriate risk mitigation measures.

This event is presented in partnership with the Center for Latin American Studies, the International House Global Voices Performing Arts Series, and UChicago Presents.