George Adams received his PhD in Music History and Music Theory from the University of Chicago in 2019 and is a Lindsay Family Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the Division of the Humanities and the Department of Music. His book project, Listening to American Music: Technology, Culture, Analysis, explores the relationship of sound and music analysis with a focus on experimental musical repertories including minimalism, conceptualism, jazz, hip hop, and protest music. As a Chicago Center for Teaching Fellow in the academic year 2018–19, he conducted individual and collaborative projects on the effective and inclusive incorporation of technology in the classroom. Adams teaches courses in music history and analysis in the Arts Core, and teaches in the Media Aesthetics sequence of the Humanities Core.
Teaching Experience
Department of Music
Fundamentals of Music Theory (Instructor of Record, Spring 2019)
Introduction to Western Art Music (Instructor of Record, Spring 2018)
Introduction to Music: Analysis and Criticism (Instructor of Record, Winter 2017)
Music in Western Civilization (Course Assistant and Discussion Section Leader, Winter–Spring 2018)
Introduction to Music: Analysis and Criticism (Course Assistant, Spring 2017)
Harmony and Voice Leading (Course Assistant and Ear Training Section Leader, Academic Year 2015–16)
Introduction to Western Art Music (Course Assistant, Winter 2014)
Mellon Mays Summer Research Training Program
Writing for Research Seminar (Instructor of Record, Summer 2018)
Writing Program / College Core
Media Aesthetics: Text (Course Assistant and Writing Seminar Leader, Winter 2018)
Media Aesthetics: Image (Course Assistant and Writing Seminar Leader, Autumn 2017)